Okay, team, it has been two months since I blogged and even longer since I did a podcast. Unavoidable laziness, all my own, on one hand and serial incompetence, still my own, on the other.
Blog today, maybe podcast tomorrow.
It is less than a month to go before election day and the smart money says it’s gonna be a squeaker.
But I have certainly seen enough. Voting Republican all the way. Now a lot is gonna happen between now and November 5th. Is anyone really undecided?
I believe that Trump will win handily. Yes, he a bigger knucklehead than Walz, but he is a known quality.
I also believe that the Dems in real power and authority want Harris to lose.
Here’s why:
Trump wins on day one and he’s a lame duck. The legislative loonies will always back him, but the Future of the party will make more adult moves and decisions.
It is also likely (as commented in the Wall Street Journal today) that both houses will flip parties, a historic first.
So whoever wins will not have a complete mandate and without the trifecta, if Trump wins, he’ll just tweet.
We do not want to consider if Trump loses. He will always say he was robbed, it’s fixed, it’s a scandal… and we will never be rid of him.
With Trump in the White House, the Dems would have effective control for the ’26 and ’28 cycles, and will have thrown off both Harris and Walz. And Vance’s ’28 chances will be a product of what little Trump gets accomplished. But Vance is a Marine so expect him to have a good plan.
Democrats do not want Harris for two more terms. Forget Walz. It is almost guaranteed that the ’26 House elections will be tough for Dems if Harris wins, which is looking bleaker by the day.
Can anyone picture Walz behind the Resolute Desk? Age will not improve our hopelessly jubilant and cringe-worthy endearment of our self-professed Knucklehead.
And immigration is a dead letter after this cycle, electorally. Those millions here illegally will be woven into our voting fabric by 2026. Guaranteed. No mass deportations. The bleeding at the border itself may slow to a trickle but our national autonomy is close to dead already. This is the secondary reason why Dems will control both Houses by ‘28.
Last caveat and prediction: Maybe after election day, but certainly if Harris loses, Biden will resign and Harris takes the mantel (temporarily) as number 47. First of the first, as I wrote back in February.
Not the end of the world, but Trump will have to throw out all those 45/47 hats.
The next four years, no matter who wins, will see our debt spiral and no curbs will be put on quasi-entitlements.
If Trump wants a place in history, he takes on spending as well as Social Security/Medicare and Medicaid management. There are creative and undramatic options if only someone (who doesn’t care about re-election) had the political courage. We cannot just cut spending… there must be new revenue (tax) streams.
Does Trump have that kind of spine? Don’t count on it. Then again, no one does.