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BED BUG STEW, Tales and Poems on Roots, Revenge, Redemption, and Baseball is now on Pre-sale. All royalties, 100%, during the presale period go to veteran support groups. The books will be delivered starting November 18, 2023.

Go to Amazon, Barnes & Noble or Xulon Bookstore websites to get your pre-order in, now! Don’t forget to read the excerpt below!

Excerpt from the short story Crown

THE LIPPENTROT LARIAT had been a staple of policing in the nation after a brief and successful testing period and the endorsement of community leaders, ministers, and politicians. Police hot pursuit of lawbreakers, whether a misdemeanor like turnstile jumping or a felony larceny were no longer chased if a cop was close enough to use the Lariat, assuming the perp was unarmed.

The Lariat was deployed like a Bocce ball or a soft-toss ball with a mechanism that tied the legs together, preferably at the ankles but was effective up to the knees. Its whip-like deployment was necessary, though deemed unfortunate by some civic leaders.

There was wide backlash initially, but the data didn’t lie: officer use of firearms was down over 80%, officer foot pursuit more than a few steps was down over 50%, and, coupled with body-cam footage, allegations of use of unnecessary force was down by a third.

“The Lippentrot Lariat is a proven safety device for initially securing lawbreakers, safe for both our officers and the public,” said politicians, again and again, always to applause.

There had been mishaps. Unless trained and practiced, with a demonstrated level of proficiency met, improper (inaccurate) use of the Lariat could break bones. Several perpetrators were secured so quickly they could not break their own fall (all had been running. Police commissioners repeatedly stated that when an officer yells, “Halt,” the person should comply) with their own hands and suffered a variety of injuries, some serious, from face contusions to broken teeth and jaws.

And the advertisements for BIO-KNIFE! were omnipresent.

All royalties, 100%, during the presale period go to veteran support groups. The books will be delivered starting November 18, 2023.

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