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Our Culture Inchoate: Pro-Life Democrat #5


Updated: Oct 19, 2019

A fictional pro-life democrat takes on the entrenched cultural elite, and vows to make Washington work for the people. Pro-life speech to KoC.


Women have always had the ultimate choice in reproduction, and we always will, but one choice is awful. Our country decided in 1974 that the right of a woman to obtain an abortion was to be established in federal law. For many years before that it was legal in several states.

Please understand that I do not now nor have ever believed that our nation should force women to remain pregnant.

Ultimately the choice to end a baby’s life in the womb is a moral one. There are numerous emotional and graphic scenarios that may compel a woman to just give up her convictions. I will not change a pro-abortion mind, nor will they change mine. Most of those anecdotes are so rare as to defy adult rationale.

Science supports life, and science is not democratic. Yes, the decision is the woman’s one to make. But everyone neglects, even forgets, the half of the equation that can make all the difference in the world in this decision: It takes two.

The man in the relationship must think little of his partner. He, too, has much culpability in the act that triggered this tragedy of abortion. A man who joins a woman in love and passion, and then throws up his hands when confronted with the obvious potential consequence, and then says “it’s your choice and I support you” is really saying “please let me off the hook.” This man is a coward.

The decision of abortion, the wrong decision, will haunt them both and define them for their lifetimes. Male moral cowardice in the face of abortion is an invisible stain that cannot be rubbed out. The man’s decision cannot be abdicated by passive support, and ultimately washing his hands of responsibility, by saying, “I support her choice.”

Men should act like men and live up to responsibility. It’s part of being an adult. Because of free love, or emancipation, or contraceptives, or abortion, the act of love has little consequence in our culture anymore. A real man accepts the responsibility to provide and protect, especially in the face of procreation.

It is palpably easy for a man to assent to a woman’s right to make a decision of aborting a child. This is a copout. The man is equally answerable for a child conceived, but when a society allows the weak man to walk away from responsibility, the woman bears the anger, anguish, and emptiness alone.

It is cowardly to join with a woman and not live up to the consequences. It is cowardly for a man to abdicate his responsibility of fatherhood. It is equally heinous for a husband to quit the covenant of support he made with his marriage vows. Perhaps a couple’s perfect life together may be disrupted by continuing a pregnancy. But it is guaranteed that the pall of the abortion will hang over them every day of their manicured lives.

Reproductive decisions should be difficult, well thought out, discussed at length, and hopefully supported by the covenant of marriage. And more men should live up to their responsibility, and not suffer from male moral cowardice.

Women who choose life have taken the more difficult path. Men should walk that way, too.

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