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Our Culture Inchoate: Reckoning to Come #34


Updated: Oct 16, 2019

VMM News with Hiro Mizuto, Anchor on location in Washington, DC, August 2, 2019 1005am

HIRO MIZUTO (HM): this is Hiro Mizuto for VMM news reporting on location with a special segment one-on-one with US House Speaker Honoria Torres.

TORRES (T): And thank you for making the time to talk to me, Hiro. Always a pleasure.

HM: Madame Speaker, there were several bombshells yesterday, and it seems like your bashing of democratic presidential aspirants is the least of anyone’s concerns.

T: I know, and it amazes me how Donald Trump manages to always get defeated by his own impulsive vain mouth in public opinion in the face of what could be a victorious political gift to him. Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, I think the axiom goes… his own jaws, in this case.

HM: But the democrats?

T: I stand by my statements in respect to the democrats running for president. These democrats have problems with messaging, the craziness of it. It’s the new extreme, and as God is my witness, the American people will not stand for it. But they also will not stand for Trump much longer.

Yes, there is a great divide in our nation, and the media has been the gasoline fueling it. This divide will have a reckoning, and the day after the 2020 presidential election will likely be the first one, if not sooner, much sooner. Those who live by identity politics and victimhood behind every statement on the one hand, and those who apologize for Donald Trump on the other. With luck, these folks, all of them, will be exposed as morons. They will have to explain themselves.

The rest of us will get by working, praying, living and dying, just like our parents. Until the next reckoning.

HM: That’s pretty harsh, Madame Speaker.

T: It’s meant to be. There are no free passes, and no one, especially the media and the political class, is blameless.

HM: Any comment on President Trump’s allegations of, uh, Martians?

T: No. I think he’s lost it, but that is not a professional opinion. I still can't believe he took the bait like that. How it plays out with his supporters and the “middle” remains to be seen.

HM: Will the cabinet try to invoke the 25th Amendment?

T: I have no idea. I do believe the larger issue is his family’s legal problems. They appear to be substantial, and are more than a distraction for an already embattled administration.

HM: What do you think of the democratic party’s chances now? For the presidency?

T: Wow. They are certainly better than a week ago, as Trump’s problems along a whole scope of issues get larger and more bizarre.

I think a female will head the ticket… no, not me, I have a job, thank you. But it will be a younger woman, not Elizabeth Warren. She has looked particularly foolish and self-serving in her native American assertions. For crying out loud…. She assumes a heritage she does not possess, benefits from it for decades, then lectures the rest of us on right and wrong. She is tainted goods, and if we want a head case like Trump out of office, then replacing him with her, a fraud, is the height of cynicism. Thinking Americans, those outside of her particular base, will reject her.

With that in mind, a female will still head the ticket, probably Klobuchar. The democrats ran another, uh, tainted candidate in 2016, so a fresh face, one who has earned the privilege to lead America, will rise. My fear is that the democratic convention will be brokered next year. That a candidate will not have the requisite votes on the first ballot… that is how Hillary rises from the ashes and attempts to hijack the nomination, for a second time. It will be brutal internally because there is so much at stake.

And Hillary has other big problems. She should beware of the AG office. The Clintons, both of them, are being investigated. For the American people, the House will not, I repeat, will not, conduct any more witch hunt investigations. Trump, Clinton, any of them. We have work to do and we shall not waste time or tax payers’ dollars. As you know, I have no influence over the Justice Department.

But the key is electoral votes, right? That means Texas. Remember that Donald Trump won in 2016 with 304 votes. Texas has 38. Flip Texas, the democrats win, all else being equal. My prediction? Julian Castro will be the VP nominee regardless of who heads the ticket. He has Washington experience in the Obama administration, and has been a city mayor, which is refreshing. Castro may be able to carry Texas. Then it will be all over for republicans for a long time.

HM: What about Beto O’Rourke?

T: No. He seems like a goofy, unserious guy, and his time has come and gone. He couldn’t beat Ted Cruz… he could not flip Texas. One bite of the apple, so to speak.

HM: Madame Speaker, we have just received word that Donald Trump will be resigning the office of the President of the United States effective at noon, Saturday, August 3rd.

T: Well, that was quick…


SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 2019, 1:00PM


EDDIE HARRIS (EH): Ladies and gentlemen, the 46th President of the United States, Michael Richard Pence, has just addressed, at noon, the nation after the resignation speech at 1100am of the 45th President, Donald J. Trump. Mr. Trump gave a very short, terse speech blaming the media and its handling of what he called the “Area 51” controversary, and decided, for the good of the American people, to leave office effective noon today.

He did not mention his immediate family’s legal situation, as those indictments were still sealed from the public.

What is interesting is that Mr. Trump is still at the White House, in what can only be construed as a show of support and solidarity with the Trump/Pence team. Even in defeat and utter humiliation, Mr. Trump is still the center of attention.


SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 2019, 1:10PM


BRITTANY BOWERS (BB): We have just learned that Speaker Honoria Torres and her family have been relocated from a hotel to Blair House, for security reasons, at what appears to be the behest of President Mike Pence. The Speaker’s retinue includes her husband, John; her four children, Jane, Carlos, Billy, and Mickey; her mother Jane McIlhenny, and long time family friend Lou Picone.

President Pence, in his brief somber and even handed speech noted, correctly, that there is no Constitutional crisis and the business of America will move forward unimpeded. What he did not mention is that the resignation of the 45th president, Donald Trump, happened almost 45 years to the day of the resignation of the 37th president, Richard Nixon, back in 1974.


SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 2019, 1:20PM


SUSAN JAMES (SJ): Madame Speaker, this transition process has been a whirlwind, not just for our nation, but certainly for your family.

TORRES (T): Well, it certainly has. Right now my family is getting the tour of Blair House, and we’re going to settle in here for a short time until we can find suitable residency, and I expect that will be just a week, and thank you for remembering my family.

SJ: What now for the nation? President Pence has indicated a “business as usual” stance, but the Trumps are still at the White House. Is there a possibility that Trump will try to run a shadow government?

T: I think not. Let’s not be overly dramatic. President Pence is a very strong person of integrity and I suspect that the Trumps need a little time to get used to it all… I am respectful of the process and happy that there will be a smooth transition to an administration led by President Pence. I would, however, be more confident of a changeover if Mr. Trump would leave town, haha, but that’s just me.



JOSH TANNER (JT): I am shaken as I report this. President Michael Richard Pence, who assumed the office of President of the United States less than 24 hours ago, is dead. Initial official reports state that he passed away at 0430 am eastern standard time in the White House residence, specifically the Lincoln Bedroom, apparently of a massive heart attack. More information will be available as we obtain it…

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